Welcome to My New Blog

By | December 27, 2010

Do you routinely feel that your life is just beyond your control?

Just slightly out of your grasp?

That things happen to you or at you, catching you up in the whirlwind of the inevitable chaos?

Yea, me, too.

And I’m tired of it.

I’ve decided that some of the choices I make directly affect my quality of life.

Startling revelation, huh?

So I’m beginning this blog for several reasons:

  • To document our journey out of chaos into tranquility (stop laughing!)
  • To keep me accountable: I’ll write here about things we try in our own family and that process will keep me on track to follow-through.
  • I’ll help you; you’ll help me. I hope to find like-minded folks out there who can travel with me.
  • I want to make some money for my family. I’ll be honest that part of the reason to begin this blog is to create a new monetary stream. After all, I am a writer; using my gift in this manner makes sense to me.
  • I’ve not found a website like this one—the one I envision—out there. I’ve found a slew of fashion, relationship, devotional, cooking, couponing, etc. sites. But that’s not what this is. I may have some of those features from time to time, but I hope to incorporate them more holistically into a woman’s life.

I don’t believe that a blog like this—or a life turn-around as I envision—can be accomplished apart from a thriving relationship with Christ. So, I’ll be blogging a lot about ways I’m pursuing a more faithful and consistent walk. That is the primary goal of this blog: to direct me—and you—to God in all his glory.

Some other topics I’ll address:

  • Ways to shut out the distractions of the “noise” around me to live more focused and peacefully
  • Ways to work smarter—not harder—and contribute to my family’s finances
  • Ways to fulfill my many roles while nurturing my own passions
  • Ways to improve my financial, spiritual, and physical health

I totally don’t have all the answers! But that’s part of why I want to start this blog. I need to work smarter. I need to lose 40 pounds. I need to build the emergency fund. I need to love my husband better.

I’m betting you do, too.

Will you join me on my journey?



Important Reminders

Please note: this blog features affiliate links. Should you make a purchase using my link, I will receive a small commission in exchange for my referral.
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Mary Bernard is a Nashville-based writer and mother of three. She's worked in a variety of corporate and creative environments, but none is more comfortable than the dining room table in her own home. Mary loves to help moms discover God's unique call to look in their own houses for their priorities, passions, and provision.

7 thoughts on “Welcome to My New Blog

  1. Pingback: New Year, New Blog | The Writer's Block

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