Become an Effective Decision-Maker

By | January 3, 2011

I’m a waffler.

There. I said it. I admit that I’ll make a decision then look for the back door “out” of it. The Myers-Briggs personality profile would tell you that’s because I’m a “P” and want to keep all my options open. I’m afraid I’ll miss some great opportunity if I’m stuck toiling away at my previously-committed decision.

But you know what it really is?

It’s immaturity, cowardice, and fear.

So, it’s time for me to GROW. UP. The only way that things get done is by, well, doing them.

(Deep breath.)

It’s time to—

Decide. Commit. Prioritize.

I wish I could take credit for this succinct statement of brilliance. But I can’t.

I listened to a podcast interview from Nicole Dean with Carrie Wilkerson of The Barefoot Executive. These two women are successful Internet marketers, and I loved soaking up their wisdom. When asked what the “turning point” was for her Internet business success, Carrie responded that it was making a decision.

She went on to explain that anything one wishes to do must first start with a decision. Then he or she must commit to it and finally, make that decision a priority in his or her thoughts and actions.

Want to have a successful Internet business? You must work every day on your business. Want to lose 30 pounds? The weight loss goal must be your priority—a greater priority than a bacon cheeseburger (my summary and paraphrase).

What decision, commitment, and priority do you need to make right now?

Important Reminders

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Mary Bernard is a Nashville-based writer and mother of three. She's worked in a variety of corporate and creative environments, but none is more comfortable than the dining room table in her own home. Mary loves to help moms discover God's unique call to look in their own houses for their priorities, passions, and provision.

2 thoughts on “Become an Effective Decision-Maker

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